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Candy Heart Math Worksheets: Valentine’s Day Math

These free worksheets are a great way to incorporate math into Valentine’s Day for some hands-on candy heart math!

If you don’t have the candy hearts, have no fear! This worksheet can be done by itself as well.

candy heart math

My kids love sweet treat activities that involve any kind of food. It’s also easy clean up, which is a definite plus in my book. To pair with candy hearts, you’ll have to grab our candy heart ten frames!

This Valentine’s Day math activity is a great way to work on basic number facts and is designed for kiddos in Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st grade.

Easy Valentine’s Day Math Activity

This activity couldn’t be easier to complete. Grab these free worksheets and complete them on their own or head on over to our candy heart ten frames and use ten frames and candy hearts to add a hands-on approach to the problems!

Candy Heart Math: Count the Hearts

For the first worksheet, the goal is to count the hearts that fill in the ten frames and write the number of hearts on the line.

A picture of a candy heart math count the hearts worksheet.

You’ll also enjoy: Heart Letter Matching Preschool Valentine’s Day Activities

Candy Heart Math: Can You Make 10?

On the second candy heart worksheet page, the goal is to write how many hearts are needed to make 10. This helps to work with factors of 10. We also offer a more detailed math activity to teach out how to compose and decompose ten.


Talk through key learning terms and discussion questions. Make sure to discuss key decomposition terms like addsubtractequalsdecompose, and equation.


  • What does the word decompose mean?
  • What symbol do we use to show that we have an equal amount of candy hearts?
  • How many candy hearts are on the ten frame?
  • When you put the candy hearts together, how many combinations can you make that form 10?
A picture of candy heart math worksheets.

Valentine's Day

Find more Valentine's Day activities and Valentine's Day printables for kids!

Meet Toni, the Maker Mom behind Our Family Code

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Hey there, I’m Toni! I’m a software engineer and Maker Mom that finds my joy in unleashing my children’s curiosity by exploring STEAM concepts with my fantastic five!

When I’m not chasing toddlers or raising tweens, you can find me tearing things up and putting them back together over here at Our Family Code.

I am the owner and content creator of multiple educational websites designed to increase access to STEAM & STEM education with a focus on teaching computer science and coding to kids of all ages!

You can also find out more about me by visiting!

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