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Olympic Hundreds Chart: Fill in the Olympic Rings

Practice number recognition and counting within 120 by placing the correct number inside the empty rings on this Olympic hundreds chart! Grab this free printable hundreds chart to work on math skills while watching the Olympic Games!

A picture of four Olympic hundreds chart worksheets on a red background.

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What is a Hundreds Chart?

A hundreds chart is usually a 10-by-10 grid designed to help Kindergarten and 1st grade students to practice number writing, counting, and skip-counting. Hundreds charts help kids to build number fluency with numbers 1-100 and even up to 120 to support Common Core School Standards for Math.

Why use a Hundreds chart?

Common Core Standards for Math encourage Kindergartners to count to 100 by 1s and 10s by the end of Kindergarten. Depending on the age and learning level of each child, a hundreds chart can be adapted.

First and second grade students can work on moving vertically to work on place value or working on skip-counting skills. Hundreds charts encourage number fluency and help children to gain a strong number sense that supports them as they grow in their math skills. A strong number sense helps to better understand how to compose and decompose numbers and mental computation.

Fun Ways to Use this Olympics Hundreds Chart

This Olympics hundreds chart is a simple way to learn a bunch of math skills! You can used this 100s charts to teach kids number sequencing (1, 2, 3), patterns (by looking down each column), and skip-counting (using the chart to count by 2s, 5s, 10s).

Use Dot Markers or Stickers to Color in the Rings

Use dot markers or stickers to work on skip-counting by 2, 5, or 10 and mark each place with a dot or a sticker.

Roll to 100 with Dice

Use dice to roll numbers and fill them in as you work your way up to 100 or 120 on the chart.

Cut the Hundreds Chart into Rows

Fill in the hundreds chart and then cut out each row of 10. Kids can then build 100 by using bars of 10 and work on skip-counting skills.

Olympic Hundreds Chart Fill-in the Missing Rings to 100

This Olympic hundreds chart is a 10-by-10 grid with the numbers printed in the rings. This activity challenges kids to fill in the missing numbers to complete the 100s chart.

A picture of an Olympic Hundreds Chart Fill in the Missing Rings Worksheet.

Blank Olympic Hundreds Chart to 100

This Olympic hundreds chart is an empty 10-by-10 grid with 100 rings to complete the 100s chart. This activity challenges kids to fill in all of the numbers to complete the 100s chart. You can use this blank hundreds grid to work on skip counting with markers and more!

A picture of a blank Olympic hundreds chart with rings to 100 for kids to fill-in to work on math skills.

Olympic Hundreds Chart Fill-in the Missing Numbers to 120

This Olympic hundreds chart is a 10-by-12 grid with the numbers printed in the rings. This activity challenges kids to fill in the missing numbers to complete the hundreds chart to 120 to support Common Core Math Standards for First Grade.

Why 120 instead of 100?

Common Core Math Standards encourage first graders to extend the counting sequence and practice the numbers up to 120 instead of stopping at 100. This helps children to visualize the patterns that occur after the number 100.

Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.

A picture of an Olympic hundreds chart is a 10-by-12 grid with the numbers printed in the rings worksheet for kids.

Blank Olympic Hundreds Chart to 120

This Olympic hundreds chart is an empty 10-by-12 grid with 120 rings to complete the 100s chart up to 120 to support Common Core Math Standards for First grade. This activity challenges kids to fill in all of the numbers on the chart. You can use this blank hundreds grid to work on skip counting with markers or cut rows to count by groups of ten!

Common Core Math Standards: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.

This Olympics themed hundreds charts supports several Common Core Math Standards by supporting the objectives for students to add within 100, mentally finding 10 more or 10 less than the number without having to count, and subtracting multiples of 10 in the range of 10-90 based on place value.

A picture of a blank Olympic themed hundreds chart with 120 empty rings for first grade math fluency skills.
A picture of four Olympics hundreds chart worksheets on a red backgroud.

Olympic Games Activities for Kids

Find more hands-on learning activities that are perfect for learning about the Olympics!

Meet Toni, the Maker Mom behind Our Family Code

A picture of Toni, the author, wearing a green tie dyed shirt.

Hey there, I’m Toni! I’m a software engineer and Maker Mom that finds my joy in unleashing my children’s curiosity by exploring STEAM concepts with my fantastic five!

When I’m not chasing toddlers or raising tweens, you can find me tearing things up and putting them back together over here at Our Family Code.

I am the owner and content creator of multiple educational websites designed to increase access to STEAM & STEM education with a focus on teaching computer science and coding to kids of all ages!

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