Learn about boolean and comparison operators with this Guess the Animal unplugged boolean coding activity!
Boolean logic sounds like a pretty complex concept, but it’s actually very easy to understand. Booleans are a type of data that has two values either true or false that can be used to evaluate logical questions.
Booleans are named after Philosopher and Mathematician George Boole, who first defined an algebraic system in the mid 19th century. Have you ever played the game Guess Who? Then you’ve used Boolean logic!
How are Booleans used in Coding?
Booleans are used to produce more effective search results by using Boolean functions to eliminate or provide search parameters for logical questions.
You start off with the idea that a statement is either true or false. It can’t be anything else. After your statement, you can form other statements that are true or false by combining the statements with a Boolean function such as AND and OR.
About Guess the Animal Unplugged Boolean Coding Activity
This activity focuses on the comparison operators and boolean operators in selection statements.
== and != are comparison operators
AND and OR are boolean operators
== means “is equal to?” and != means “is not equal to?”
An animal must meet both conditions in an AND statement and one condition of an OR statement.
Each comparison is a boolean and results in either a True or False answer. Use the selection and boolean statements to Guess the Animal.
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How to Play Guess the Animal Unplugged Boolean Coding Activity
Print out the Guess the Animal Workbook and cut out the animal cards. Start with all of the animals facing up and flip them over as you work through the code.
Guess the Animals for Grades K-3
In the printable workbook, the left column shows the questions asked in typical Guess Who format and are great for grades K-3.
Use the questions and answers to present kids with statements regarding the animal. For example, if the question says “Does your animal have round ears? TRUE” express it in a statement like “The animal we are looking for has round ears.”
Guess the Animals for Grades 3-8
In the printable workbook, the right column presents selection and boolean operators and is ideal for grades 3-8. Make sure to go over the boolean and comparison operators before starting the activity.
Make copies of the handout and allow kids to work through the groups of code. Take a poll of which animal might be the answer and then go through the problem together.
Guess the Animal #1
if hasWhiskers == True: flipCardOver()
if earShape == “Round”: flipCardOver()
if livesOnAFarm != True: flipCardOver()
if hasBeak == True AND canFly == True: flipCardOver()
if hasBeak != True: flipCardOver()
What does this question look like in a two-player Guess Who game?
Does your animal have whiskers? TRUE
Does your animal have round ears? FALSE
Does your animal live on a farm? TRUE
Does your animal have a beak and can fly? FALSE
Does your animal have a beak? TRUE
Guess the Animal #2
if livesOnAFarm != True: flipCardOver()
if hasBeak == True OR hasHorns == True: flipCardOver()
if earShape != “Round”: flipCardOver()
if hasWhiskers == True OR furColor == “White”: flipCardOver()
What does this question look like in a two-player Guess Who game?
Does your animal live on a farm? TRUE
Does your animal have a beak? FALSE
Does your animal have horns? FALSE
Does your animal have round ears? TRUE
Does your animal have whiskers? FALSE
Does your animal have white fur? FALSE
Guess the Animal #3
if hasWhiskers != True: flipCardOver()
if hasPointedEars == True: flipCardOver()
if hasWhiskers ==True AND furColor == “Yellow”: flipCardOver()
What does this question look like in a two-player Guess Who game?
Does your animal have whiskers? TRUE
Does your animal have pointed ears? FALSE
Does your animal have whiskers and yellow fur? FALSE
Guess the Animal #4
if hasWhiskers == True OR hasBeak == True: flipCardOver()
if hasPointedEars == True: flipCardOver()
if livesOnAFarm != True: flipCardOver()
if hasHair == True OR hasWool == True: flipCardOver()
if hasHorns != True: flipCardOver()
What does this question look like in a two-player Guess Who game?
Does your animal have whiskers? FALSE
Does your animal have a beak? FALSE
Does your animal have pointed ears? FALSE
Does your animal live on a farm? TRUE
Does your animal have hair or wool? FALSE
Does your animal have horns? TRUE
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Meet Toni, the Maker Mom behind Our Family Code
Hey there, I’m Toni! I’m a software engineer and Maker Mom that finds my joy in unleashing my children’s curiosity by exploring STEAM concepts with my fantastic five!
When I’m not chasing toddlers or raising tweens, you can find me tearing things up and putting them back together over here at Our Family Code.
I am the owner and content creator of multiple educational websites designed to increase access to STEAM & STEM education with a focus on teaching computer science and coding to kids of all ages!
You can also find out more about me by visiting ToniGardner.com!